Photography by Simon Jolly Photography Babywearing modelling organised by Laurna Babywearing model: Mya You will be able to pre-order our exciting new SMP bamboo strehcy wrap from this coming Wednesday 27th June, 2018 and we will start shipping your orders from Tuesday, 17th July, 2018. Please click here for more information about our new SMP stretchy wrap.
New SMP Bamboo stretchy wrapPre-order starts next week. Please scroll further down to learn more... Another milestone right here! Yes, you are about to witness the birth of another milestone in the Joy and Joe history. Many of you know that we have always said that our stretchy wraps are our first love. That was where we started and we are glad that we have retained our love for high quality stretchy wraps. .There are so many reasons why we love our Joy and Joe stretchy wraps. More recently, like 4 years ago, we massively revamped our stretchy wraps. Remember that our initial stretchy wraps had a little storage pocket at one end. We now have a separate storage bag and a free cute baby hat has been thrown in, to the delight of your beautiful babies. So when our bamboo stretchy wraps were released, we promised that our stripey design won’t be our last patterned bamboo stretchy wrap. We are actually planning to release more patterns like ………., ………….. and ………… (You guess. Wink wink!). We discussed having a stretchy wrap version of our woven wrap SMPs (shiver me paisley) and this started as a simple wish. You know this idea that pops into your mind and then flies off. However, more people then starting suggesting the same idea. Laurna is a huge SMP fan and she was indeed happy when we chatted about this concept. Then our brand ambassadors also feel that this is a great idea. This marked the beginning of the birth process of our very first SMP bamboo stretchy wrap. If you’re completely new to our SMPs, it is a fun acronym for SHIVER ME PAISLEYS and the SMP pattern is beautiful cornucopia of paisleys and pirate skulls, all artistically decorated with lacy trimmings. From idea conception to the real life product. This birthing process delights us and we are so excited to present to you, our very first SMP bamboo stretchy wrap. Yes, this is real, very exciting right? Highlights of the new SMP bamboo stretchy wrap
Let's get close to the new SMP bamboo stretchy wrap |
May 2023
AuthorHello, my name is Bisi, babywearing consultant (SoB CIC), mother to two cheeky & very special kids (Joy and Joseph). Our 3rd baby has been christened Joy&Joe baby wrap slings! and we loveeee babywearing :) |